Chop the Veggies / Eat the Veggies

So much about eating healthy involves preparation and availability. One must reduce the friction, the barriers, to eating nourishing food. It’s far easier to grab something healthy and good for you if it’s there, ready and waiting. So chop up the veggies. Make a nice dip for the veggies. Pack everything up so it’s ready to grad for lunch. Then, eat.

I sit in my office dipping the carrots, cauliflower, peppers, and cucumbers into a light ranch dip. I see my bag of oranges cut and ready.

I know these things. We all know these things. You want to make living a healthier life easier, not harder.

I like to think about things I wish to do and how to make those things easier. Exercise is easier with a friend. Writing is easier with coffee and warm slippers and a cat nearby. Cleaning is easier with great music. Grading is easier with little treats every hour.

Chop the veggies. Eat the veggies.

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