As I begin the book of Luke, I take note of Jesus’ impact on others. With Jesus in the room, as Healer and Teacher, we find people seized with amazement. We find people glorifying God. We find everyone filled with awe. I love how Luke puts it in 5:26 after Jesus forgives the sins of a paralyzed man (and then physically heals him as well). We read, “And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, ‘We have seen extraordinary things today’.”
May God return us to—or perhaps give us for the first time—the same amazement, the same awe, and the same reflective heart. As we live a life of faith and worship, filled with the Holy Spirit, we might walk around our ordinary day like this. I want to sit down at the dinner table with my family tonight and say in awe, “We have seen extraordinary things today.”