I’m rereading Delighting in the Trinity (it’s the kind of book one must read again and again!), and I find myself mesmerized by Michael Reeves’ description of the Holy Spirit early in the book. He reminds us how the Holy Spirit “garnishes and beautifies” and “vitalizes and refreshes.” Reeves writes, “Small wonder, then, that creativity, the ability to craft, adorn, and make beautiful, is a gift of the Spirit.”
I love reading theologians who use language so beautifully. I like thinking about the presence of the Holy Spirit always beautifying. His presence means beauty and refreshment.
Later, Reeves reminds us of the roles of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit together as the Trinity. He proclaims, “The very nature of the triune God is to be effusive, ebullient, and bountiful. . . Creation is about the spreading, the diffusion, the outward explosion of that love.”
I kept those words in my mind all week about this ridiculously generous God who is ebullient. (You might have wanted a dictionary like I did! It means cheerful and full of energy.) So when I arrived to 1 John 3:1, I said, “Ah! Yes! This is God.” We read: See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
What great verbs today! If your soul feels dull and the world feels dark, remember God’s lavish love poured into your heart. Remember God’s generous, ebullient nature. Think about a different kind of day for yourself, one that represents the outward explosion of love from God. Think about beauty. Let the Holy Spirit garnish the day and garnish your very soul.