Today I consider the verb that translates to “pour out” in Psalm 62:8 where David writes this:
“Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.”
I look up the verb “pour out” in the Hebrew, and it’s a word that means gush out–like something bleeding or poured from a pitcher. It’s the sense of just going to God and letting everything gush out–your worries, anger, sadness, anxiety. It’s a sudden, uncontrolled kind of speaking to God. How undignified! How common and improper!
Don’t you love how the Lord doesn’t mind this kind of “pouring out?” We can gush. We can uncontrollably let everything out in an undignified way. I think people don’t realize what a kind, loving, and welcoming God we approach each day in prayer. He lets us gush.