When Your Candle Won’t Light During the Christmas Eve Service

My candle won’t light. Everyone leans over to help me; wax falls everywhere, and it’s becoming distracting. Every time someone tries to light my little candle, it burns for a moment and then flickers out.

Come on little candle. Come on flame. Shine bright, girl. Do it!


Finally, from out of nowhere, a complete stranger hands me a huge, new candle. There’s no hope in yours. Take this one.

I’m standing there with two candles (one hopeless, one Glorious) singing Silent Night. Looking down at that strong, bright flame, I realize that my own candle indeed has no hope. I need Someone Else’s.

I need an exchanged life. I need the Light of the World because there’s no hope in me.

I take it, Lord!

Merry Christmas: Jesus comes down for the Great Exchange; He takes on our flesh, our sin, our hopelessness, and in return, hands us a new life and a new light.

I hope you have a wonderful and very merry Christmas!

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0 Responses

  1. Spoken Truth so simply and visually depicted here. The miracle in your heart is that you recognized the hope we put in ourselves or this world, is a hope not worth keeping, but you accepted the Light, the Hope from Love who came to you and now your flame will never burn out. God Bless you, love your writing. CV