This morning in church, I begin to think about what a great gift it would be if we extended the following attitudes towards the people in our lives. I begin to imagine what would happen if we:
1. Stop punishing people for ways they have failed us. I wonder how many marriages, family relationships, and friendships might be mended if we work towards future connecting rather than living in the past.
2. Believe the very best about people. Imagine that every person you meet reflects the glory of God. Underneath whatever terrible external shell–narcissism, selfishness, anger, immaturity–exists an astonishingly beautiful creation.
3. Seek to be a blessing rather than wanting to be blessed.
Stop punishing people in our hearts. Believe the best about them. Bless them.
Those are three Christmas gifts I want to extend this season. These attitudes change everything, and with God’s power, I pray I can live out these Biblical principles.
Have you ever decided to stop punishing someone for failing you? Isn’t it freeing?