10 Great Questions from a Retired Professor

A friend sends me a professor’s list of favorite questions to ask people. I printed out several pages of his questions and picked my top 10:

  1. What’s the best thing a teacher ever did for you?
  2. What movie scene stays most vividly in your memory?
  3. When do you need reminding?
  4. If you were to start a podcast this year, what would be its focus?
  5. If you designed the perfect backyard, what would you put there?
  6. What’s one form of courtesy that really matters to you?
  7. What ritual helps you?
  8. What do you need most from people when you’re sad?
  9. What do you do when you are bored?
  10. When has an encounter with a stranger been a gift to you?

Enjoy these questions!

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